For organisations to reduce costs, build stakeholder confidence and focus on its strategy while gaining competitive advantage through its staff, it must attract and maintain the right quality of staff with right skills and commitment to organization’s goals and objectives. As Jim Collins puts it, “Great vision without great people is irrelevant”, Maribel-Hermans believes in engaging great staff with great attitude with the desire to solve complex business challenges and optimizing on opportunities that arise to enable the organisation to succeed. The desired skills, mindset, behavioral and cultural change drives true transformation in organisations.
We partner with organisations to enrich their capacity through:
“Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not.” Oprah Winfrey We partner with clients to help them put in place value system through development of codes of ethics and conduct which nurture the people and organizational culture. We provide our services through keeping our promise by caring, respecting and being fair in our judgment. We offer the following services to our esteemed clients.
Our desire is to enable businesses to achieve stable and sustainable strategic objectives. We help businesses develop and review strategic plans, business plans. We provide solutions to business management challenges. In addition, we review and strengthen financial management system to reduce operating costs to enhance profitability, growth and drive the business into excellence.